I have a web site and a lot of its content is stolen through RSS (I believe) from another site owner. Are there any rules about it? Is there a way to avoid plagiarism? Are there any sites which help site owners with this task? Thanks!
I used to have the same problem 2 months ago. It is not that easy to fight plagiarism and scraped content intruders... But there are ways!
Here is my path:
1. Check whether your content is unique and discover who might have stolen your content by visiting and checking our article(s) on https://copyscape.com
2. TAKE ACTION! Visit https://www.plagspotter.com and check your content again! The site is like https://copyscape.com but a free one + there is a lot of info about plagiarism
3. After you know who the thief is - contact him/her . Via his site. If there is NO response (which is to be expected) find his telephone number by visiting https://www.whois.com . You will discover plagiarist's name, phone number, e-mail - all you need for the contact!
4. If there is no answer again - contact the hosting company and ask them to remove the plagiarist website or only your scraped/stolen content!
5. If there is no effect again - send a formal “Cease and Desist” letter and exercise your rights under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and file a DMCA complaint directly to Google.
6. Visit this site - https://www.copyright.gov/help/faq/ - read all the info there + register (I think the cost is $35) and you are almost protected!
Do not forget to prove that the content is written by you! Visit https://archive.org/index.php type your page/site and make a screenshot as a proof!
Plagiarism Detector - One of the best plagiarism software to Detect duplicate content. 100% Free Tool to check uniqueness of content. Go to https://plagiarismdetector.net/
That is it! 🙂