Plagiarism problem - stolen content from my site


विषय प्रारंभकर्ता

I have a web site and a lot of its content is stolen through RSS (I believe) from another site owner. Are there any rules about it? Is there a way to avoid plagiarism? Are there any sites which help site owners with this task? Thanks!

1 उत्तर

I used to have the same problem 2 months ago. It is not that easy to fight plagiarism and scraped content intruders... But there are ways!

Here is my path:

1. Check whether your content is unique and discover who might have stolen your content by visiting and checking our article(s) on
2. TAKE ACTION! Visit and check your content again! The site is like but a free one + there is a lot of info about plagiarism
3. After you know who the thief is - contact him/her . Via his site. If there is NO response (which is to be expected) find his telephone number by visiting . You will discover plagiarist's name, phone number, e-mail - all you need for the contact!
4. If there is no answer again - contact the hosting company and ask them to remove the plagiarist website or only your scraped/stolen content!
5. If there is no effect again - send a formal “Cease and Desist” letter and exercise your rights under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and file a DMCA complaint directly to Google.
6. Visit this site - - read all the info there + register (I think the cost is $35) and you are almost protected!

Do not forget to prove that the content is written by you! Visit type your page/site and make a screenshot as a proof!

Plagiarism Detector - One of the best plagiarism software to Detect duplicate content. 100% Free Tool to check uniqueness of content. Go to

That is it! 🙂

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