[Rozwiązany] Unity (task with JS Class)


Rozpoczęcie tematu

Rats are uniting.

Create a class, Rat, which holds the functionality to unite with other objects of the same type. Make it so that the object holds all of the other objects it has connected to.

The class should have a name, which is a string, and it should be initialized with it.

The class should also hold a function unite(otherRat), which unites the first object with the given one. An object should store all of the objects it has united to. The function should only add the object if it is an object of the class Rat. In any other case it should do nothing.

The class should also hold a function getRats() which returns all the rats it has united to, in a list.

Implement functionality for toString() function… which returns a string representation of the object and all of the objects its united with, each on a new line. On the first line put the object’s name and on the next several lines put the united objects’ names, each with a padding of “##”.


let test = new Rat("Pesho");
console.log(test.toString()); //Pesho
console.log(test.getRats()); //[]
test.unite(new Rat("Gosho"));
test.unite(new Rat("Sasho"));
//[ Rat { name: 'Gosho', unitedRats: [] },
//  Rat { name: 'Sasho', unitedRats: [] } ]
// Pesho
// ##Gosho
// ##Sasho
1 Answer

My solution:

class Rat {
    constructor(name) {
        this.name = name;
        this.unitedRats = [];
    unite(otherRat) {
        if (otherRat instanceof Rat) {
    getRats() {
        return this.unitedRats;
    toString() {
        let result = this.name + "\n";
        for (let rat of this.unitedRats) {
            result += `##${rat.name}\n`;
        return result.trim();
let test = new Rat("Pesho");
console.log(test.toString()); //Pesho
console.log(test.getRats()); //[]
test.unite(new Rat("Gosho"));
test.unite(new Rat("Sasho"));
//[ Rat { name: 'Gosho', unitedRats: [] },
//  Rat { name: 'Sasho', unitedRats: [] } ]
// Pesho
// ##Gosho
// ##Sasho