28/10/2024 6:40 pm
Emne starter
Write a program, which prints common elements in two arrays. You have to compare the elements of the second array to the elements of the first.
1 Answer
28/10/2024 6:41 pm
<?php $arrayOne = explode(' ', readline()); $arrayTwo = explode(' ', readline()); $arrayCommon = []; $countOne = count($arrayOne); $countTwo = count($arrayTwo); for ($i = 0; $i < $countOne; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < $countTwo; $j++) { if ($arrayOne[$i] == $arrayTwo[$j]) { $arrayCommon[] = $arrayTwo[$j]; } } } echo implode(' ', $arrayCommon);
I've used explode() and implode() php functions: first to get the strings/integers and create an array with explode() and then to show the elements in the newly created array with implode().