05/11/2024 3:26 오후
주제 스타터
You will be given a string representing a username. The password will be that username reversed. Until you receive the correct password print on the console "Incorrect password. Try again.". When you receive the correct password print "User {username} logged in." However on the fourth try if the password is still not correct print "User {username} blocked!" and end the program.
2개 답글
05/11/2024 3:27 오후
My solution:
<?php $user = readline(); $length = strlen($user); //the length of the string $pass = ''; for ($i = $length - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $pass .= $user[$i]; } $attempts = 0; while ($attempts++ < 6) { $input = readline(); if ($input === $pass) { echo "User $user logged in." . PHP_EOL; break; } if ($attempts === 4) { echo "User $user blocked!" . PHP_EOL; break; } else { echo "Incorrect password. Try again." . PHP_EOL; } }
05/11/2024 3:28 오후
Instead og using reversed for loop, you can use strrev() PHP function/method to reverse the string (on line 4):
<?php $user = readline(); $pass = strrev($user); $attempts = 0; while ($attempts++ < 6) { $input = readline(); if ($input === $pass) { echo "User $user logged in." . PHP_EOL; break; } if ($attempts === 4) { echo "User $user blocked!" . PHP_EOL; break; } else { echo "Incorrect password. Try again." . PHP_EOL; } }