Which backup plugins can I use for my WordPress site? Please recommend!


Aiheen aloittaja

Hi, yesterday I asked some questions about WP plugin for renovating my WordPress admin (Dashboard) area. I was amazed how quickly I received a lot of suggestions! Thank you all! Today I have another question. I want to use a plugin for creating full backup of my site (for protection reasons). There are plenty of them...

Can you share your suggestions - which are worth it and will help me with creating another copy of my site.


5 Vastaukset

I am using All-in-One WP Migration and Backup.

Very useful and lightweght wp plugin.

Love it! Use it on all my clients' sites.


It is very important to back up your WordPress (or other platform) site and files. It solves these two issues:
1. Back-up your DB MYSQL of your site
2. It can back up the whole site and its files

For these 2 simple (haha) tasks I am using https://wordpress.org/plugins/backupwordpress/ - or also called BackUpWordPress. It works really well and I have no problem using it on multiple sites (not like some paid back up plugins) 😉 Cheers, matthew44


I am always keeping my WP database! I optimize it and sometimes repair (once a month) with WP-DBManager -


Here you can watch the video below:


This one is nice: UpdraftPlus Backup - https://wordpress.org/plugins/updraftplus/

  1. Supports backups to Amazon S3, Dropbox, Rackspace Cloud Files, Google Drive, DreamHost DreamObjects, FTP and email. Also (via an add-on) FTP over SSL, SFTP and WebDAV. (Note: Microsoft forbid SkyDrive to be used by backup software).
  2. Quick restore (both file and database backups)
  3. Backup automatically on a repeating schedule
  4. Site duplicator/migrator: can copy sites, and (with add-on) move them to new locations
  5. Files and databases can have separate schedules
  6. Failed uploads are automatically resumed/retried
  7. Select which files to backup (plugins, themes, content, other)
  8. Select which components of a backup to restore
  9. Download backup archives direct from your WordPress dashboard
  10. Database backups can be encrypted for security
  11. Debug mode that gives full logging of the backup

BUT - if you want to use the Dropbox feature - you must buy premium component which costs $10. See here: https://updraftplus.com/shop/


I like this one - https://ithemes.com/purchase/backupbuddy/

It is not a free one, but if you really, really want to protect your WP site - it will do the job! It even has a function to scan your site for viruses (I've never seen a back up plugin to had this!). Nice solution!

Here are its features: Back up your entire WordPress installation. Widgets, themes, plugins, files and SQL database - the entire package! Just like your laptop or desktop computer, you should be doing regular backups of your website. With BackupBuddy you can schedule backups and have them sent off-site to Dropbox, Amazon S3, Rackspace Cloud, an FTP server, or your email. Or download them right to your desktop. The plugin has 4 version and presumably prices: $80, $100, $150 and $197

HOWEVER! THere are some coupons available! 🙂 just search online...

I would recommend also to use standalone application that performs regular backup of Wordpress data. Actually you need to backup two main "parts" of your Wordpress website:

1. Your website data (everything is under Wordpress directory

2. You database data.

So here it is Backupery for Wordpress application:  https://www.backupery.com/products/backupery-for-wordpress/  It silently runs in the background and backups the two "parts" of the website regularly.

Hope you will find a solution for your WordPress backing up conundrum!

Good luck!
