Write a class for a checking account that validates it’s created with valid parameters. A CheckingAccount has a clientId, email, firstName, lastName all set trough the constructor and an array of products that is initially empty. Each parameter must meet specific requirements:
- clientId – must be a string representing a 6-digit number; if invalid, throw a TypeError with the message "Client ID must be a 6-digit number"
- email – must contain at least one alphanumeric character, followed by the @ symbol, followed by one or more letters or periods; all letters must be Latin; if invalid, throw a TypeError with message "Invalid e-mail"
- firstName, lastName – must be at least 3 and at most 20 characters long, containing only Latin letters; if the length is invalid, throw a TypeError with message "{First/Last} name must be between 3 and 20 characters long"; if invalid characters are used, throw a TypeError with message "{First/Last} name must contain only Latin characters" (replace First/Last with the relevant word);
All checks must happen in the order in which they are listed – if more than one parameter is invalid, throw an error for the first encountered. Note that error messages must be exact.
Submit your solution containing a single class definition.
Sample Input:
let acc = new CheckingAccount('1314', 'ivan@some.com', 'Ivan', 'Petrov')
TypeError: Client ID must be a 6-digit number
Sample Input:
let acc = new CheckingAccount('131455', 'ivan@', 'Ivan', 'Petrov')
TypeError: Invalid e-mail
Sample Input:
let acc = new CheckingAccount('131455', 'ivan@some.com', 'I', 'Petrov')
TypeError: First name must be between 3 and 20 characters long
Sample Input:
let acc = new CheckingAccount('131455', 'ivan@some.com', 'Ivan', 'P3trov')
TypeError: "First name must contain only Latin characters
My solution:
class CheckingAccount { constructor(clientId, email, firstName, lastName) { this.clientId = clientId; this.email = email; this.firstName = firstName; this.lastName = lastName; } get clientId() { return this._clientId; } set clientId(value) { if (!/^\d{6}$/g.test(value)) { throw new TypeError("Client ID must be a 6-digit number"); } this._clientId = value; } get email() { return this._email; } set email(value) { if (!/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+\@[a-zA-Z.]+$/g.test(value)) { throw new TypeError("Invalid e-mail"); } this._email = value; } get firstName() { return this._firstName; } set firstName(value) { if (value.length < 3 || value.length > 20) { throw new TypeError("First name must be between 3 and 20 characters long") } if (!/^[A-Za-z]{3,20}$/g.test(value)) { throw new TypeError("First name must contain only Latin characters") } this._firstName = value; } get lastName() { return this._lastName; } set lastName(value) { if (value.length < 3 || value.length > 20) { throw new TypeError("Last name must be between 3 and 20 characters long") } if (!/^[A-Za-z]{3,20}$/g.test(value)) { throw new TypeError("Last name must contain only Latin characters") } this._lastName = value; } } let acc = new CheckingAccount('131421', 'ivan@some.com', 'Ivan', 'Petrov');