Hur laddar jag om webbläsaren automatiskt när jag utvecklar WordPress-tema?



Hi, for my WordPress theme developing I am using PHPStorm IDE and it is great! 🙂

However, I am trying to find a solution to auto reload (auto refresh) the browser (I am using Chrome) whenever I am changing the PHP files in my localhost enviorment (XAMPP).

If it is possible to recommend some extensions, add-ons for Chrome/Firefox (maybe also for CSS, JS and HTML).

I want to avoid the F5 and CTRL + F5 refreshing... 🙂


1 Svar

For HTML + CSS + JS files the best auto-refresh (+debugging) solution is the original JetBrains IDE support Chrome add-on: CLICK HERE to view the extension.

These are my settings for using it with PHPStorm (screenshot below):

jetbrains support Chrome add-on PHPStorm settings
