Hi, I am building WordPress website for a client and I've made some modifications to the CSS files of one of the plugins (for GDPR);
I do not want the client to update the plugin in the near future and ruin my CSS modifications within the next update!
How can I disable the update notifications in WordPress for this particular plugin?
The best option is if you can share some code to be implemented in functions.php - so it is hidden 🙂 Not a plugin...
It is a WP plugin for General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Compliance.
BTW, Insert the following code to the functions.php (better in your Child WP theme) file of your active theme. It will remove the WordPress update nag -> WordPress update is available!
/*Remove WP update notification*/ function remove_core_updates() { if (!current_user_can('update_core')) { return; } add_action('init', create_function('$a', "remove_action( 'init', 'wp_version_check' );"), 2); add_filter('pre_option_update_core', '__return_null'); add_filter('pre_site_transient_update_core', '__return_null'); } add_action('after_setup_theme', 'remove_core_updates');
This code below disables all the updates notifications regarding plugins, themes & WordPress completely:
/* Remove ALL WP update notifications */ function remove_core_updates() { global $wp_version; return (object) array('last_checked' => time(), 'version_checked' => $wp_version,); } add_filter('pre_site_transient_update_core', 'remove_core_updates'); add_filter('pre_site_transient_update_plugins', 'remove_core_updates'); add_filter('pre_site_transient_update_themes', 'remove_core_updates');
Firstly you need to use Child Theme for your WordPress theme (not required, BUT RECOMMENDED)
Secondly into the functions.php (of your child theme) add these lines of code:
/** * Prevent update notification for plugin: cookie-law-info */ function disable_plugin_updates($value) { if (isset($value) && is_object($value)) { if (isset($value->response['cookie-law-info/cookie-law-info.php'])) { unset($value->response['cookie-law-info/cookie-law-info.php']); } } return $value; } add_filter('site_transient_update_plugins', 'disable_plugin_updates');
Bear in mind that you need to add add_filter WordPress CMS function to your code.
You can also use this plugin Easy Updates Manager to disable:
- Plugins
- Themes
- WordPress's core updates
...and then eventually hide it with the following code:
/* Hide WP plugin Easy Updates Manager in the WordPress dashboard area */ function hidePlugin() { echo '<style> .plugins-php .plugins tr[data-slug="easy-updates-manager"]{ display:none; } </style>'; }