Italic and Bold Question


Topic starter

This is my first time hearing <strong> and <em>. They seem to be same as bold and italic visually respectively. When to use strong or bold, em or italic? How many keywords to underline, italize, strong? Any specific locations (beginning, middle, last)?

2 Answers

Strong and em tags are respectively bold and italic. You can use them but do not stuff your article with them! Also - whenever you are using these tags - first make a good research in Google Keyword Tools and find good keywords with small or medium competition. Try to find LSI keywords (basically synonyms) and you can use these tags for them.

There is no specific location to put in the post. just do not use them more then 3 times!


Do not forget to inlude, h2, h3, h4 and h5 tags - not only italic, underline and strong
