[Solved] Shopping List - PHP Exam Task


Topic starter

It’s the end of the week and it is time for you to go shopping, so you need to create a shopping list first.

You will receive an initial list with groceries separated by "!".

After that you will be receiving 4 types of commands, until you receive "Go Shopping!"

  • Urgent {item} - add the item at the start of the list.  If the item already exists, skip this command.
  • Unnecessary {item} - remove the item with the given name, only if it exists in the list. Otherwise skip this command.
  • Correct {oldItem} {newItem} – if the item with the given old name exists, change its name with the new one. If it doesn't exist, skip this command.
  • Rearrange {item} - if the grocery exists in the list, remove it from its current position and add it at the end of the list.


  • There won`t be any duplicate items in the initial list

Print the list with all the groceries, joined by ", ".

  • "{firstGrocery}, {secondGrocery}, …{nthGrocery}"


shopping list php exam task

1 Answer

Here is my solution to this task:

$arr = explode("!", readline());
$input = readline();
while ($input != "Go Shopping!") {
    $args = explode(" ", $input);
    $command = $args[0];
    switch ($command) {
        case 'Urgent':
            $item = $args[1];
            if (!in_array($item, $arr)) {
                array_unshift($arr, $item);
        case 'Unnecessary':
            $item = $args[1];
            if (in_array($item, $arr)) {
                $index1 = array_search($item, $arr);
                array_splice($arr, $index1, 1);
        case 'Correct':
            $item = $args[1];
            if (in_array($item, $arr)) {
                $index1 = array_search($item, $arr);
                array_splice($arr, $index1, 1, $args[2]);
        case 'Rearrange':
            $item = $args[1];
            if (in_array($item, $arr)) {
                $index1 = array_search($item, $arr);
                array_splice($arr, $index1, 1);
                array_push($arr, $item);
    $input = readline();
echo implode(", ", $arr);