Please suggest tools for generating strong passwords


Topic starter

I am managing a lot of sites and creating new ones. Every time I need to create strong passwords. Can you recommend a tool or tools for generating strong password. I need free (or very cheap) password generator. Thanks

2 Answers

I use -  - very nice and small tool not only for creating passwords, but you can use it for submitting your site to various directories - semi-automatically. 🙂 Very useful for local sites and boosting their rankings. Anyways - you can also use it for password generating purposes! The price is low as well - $9.95 for a whole year (the first one) and $19.95 for the next year(s)! hope that helps!


I use  - LastPass - it is free and very easy to use! 🙂

Go to your Cpanel and there is a nice (AND FREE!) tool for generating STRONG passwords. 🙂
