[Solved] How can I flush (refresh) DNS on my PC machine (Windows 10)?


Topic starter

Hi, I`ve recently moved one of my domain names to another hosting account.

How can I refresh (flush) the DNS servers (server names or cache) on my PC machine (Windows 10) so I can view the site on the new IP?

Maybe with command prompt?

What should I type?


1 Answer

To reset the DNS resolver cache, perform the following 3 steps:

  1. Select the “Start” button, then type “cmd“;
  2. Choose “Run as Administrator“;
  3. Type ipconfig /flushdns (be sure there is a space before the slash) then press “Enter“: Windows 10 will flush the DNS

A command box will flash on the screen for a split second and the DNS Resolver cache will be cleared.

Please see the screenshot below:

flush (refresh) dns on windows 10
