04/11/2024 6:33 am
Topic starter
Write a JS class Person and a class Teacher which extends Person. A Person should have a name and an email. A Teacher should have a name, an email, and a subject.
There will be no input.
Your function should return an object containing the classes Person and Teacher.
function personAndTeacher() { //TODO return { Person, Teacher } }
1 Answer
04/11/2024 6:35 am
The solution:
function solve() { class Person { constructor(name, email) { this.name = name; this.email = email; } } class Teacher extends Person { constructor(teacherName, teacherEmail, subject) { super(teacherName, teacherEmail); this.subject = subject; } } return { Person, Teacher } } let teacher = new Teacher("Ivan", "ivan@ivan.bg", "history"); console.log(teacher);