06/11/2024 10:33 am
Topic starter
How to write a JS function to check if a number is odd or even or invalid? (fractions are neither odd nor even)
The input comes as a single number argument.
Input: 5
Output: odd
Input: 8
Output: even
Input: 1.5
Output: invalid
The output should be printed to the console.
Print odd for odd numbers, even for even number and invalid for numbers that contain decimal fractions.
1 Answer
06/11/2024 10:34 am
My JS function:
function evenOdd(number) { let reminder = number % 2; if (reminder == 0) { console.log("even"); } else if (reminder == Math.round(reminder)) { console.log("odd"); } else { console.log("invalid"); } } evenOdd(0);