Hi, I would like to set up Git with 1टीपी15टी and use it in collaboration with GitHub to upload my projects to my GitHub account.
How can I do it?
Thank you!
First you need to install Git. Download + install it on your PC from HERE: https://git-scm.com/
Then, create an EMPTY repository on GitHub - without readme, ignore and licence files. Let's name it travel-site. For this example I will be using my real GitHub repository: https://github.com/AleikovStudio/travel-site
Now you will be working with the terminal - you can use Window's cmd or the PHPStorm's terminal. I prefer to use the terminal built inside the PHPStorm - it is: better, faster and more intuitive.
From your GitHub copy the repository URL - for example https://github.com/AleikovStudio/travel-site.git (note the .git extension at the end); Instead of AleikovStudio (my username in GitHub - use yours).
Inside your PHPStorm project's folder you will need to initialize Git (btw you can drag the folder with your project into the terminal). In the terminal type:
git init
Now, let Git know where to upload your project files online (your push repository). To do so, in the terminal type:
git remote set-url origin https://github.com/AleikovStudio/travel-site.git
git remote add origin https://github.com/AleikovStudio/travel-site.git
To check which is your push repository on GitHub, type:
git remote -v
Very common and frequently used git command is:
git status
It will check for changes and will give you recommendations.
To add all changes to the stage, type:
git add . |
The . here stands for all files. To add a particular file (for example: index.html) you can type:
git add index.html |
Also you can stage your changes with (here -A is for ALL):
git add -A |
To commit new commit + add a message (for example: "Added new message"), type:
git commit -m "Added new message" |
You can also stage + commit in one command line:
git commit -am "Stage and commit in one command" |
To push the files (from your local PC) for the first time to your GitHub repository online, type:
git push origin master |
To push the changes afterwards, simply type:
git push |
Git Branches:
To create new branch, type:
git branch footer |
This will create new branch named footer
To see which branch you are currently using, type:
git branch |
To change (checkout) the branch:
git checkout testimonials |
* instead of the testimonials (name of the branch) you can type master (the main branch):
git checkout master |
To create and at the same time checkout a new branch (in this case named header), type:
git checkout -b header |
To merge the branch (for example: testimonials branch) with the master branch (the main one), type:
git merge testimonials |
Please note: you need to be ON master branch to merge other branches (you can check on which branch you are currently on by typing git branch).
* instead of a testimonials you can type the name of the branch you wish to merge with the master one
Here are some other useful Git commands (and some for the terminal):
cls |
CTRL + C |
git --version |
CREATE NEW DIRECTORY/FOLDER (for example: hello-world):
mkdir "hello-world" |
CHANGE DIRECTORY TO (for example: hello-world):
cd hello-world |
cd.. |
CREATE FILE (for example: index.html):
touch "index.html" |
If you are getting an error you might need to install touch npm package. In the terminal type:
npm install touch |
To learn more about npm packages and how to use them with PHPStorm, please click here.
git checkout -- . |
FILE STAGED (READY TO BE COMMITED - from red color to green):
git add -A |
Basically there are 2 main steps to configure PHPStrom to work with Git and GitHub:
- First - to initialize Git and PHPStorm: in PHPStrom you need to navigate to VCS >> Import into Version Control >> Create Git Repository...:
This will initialize Git for your project (you need to Create .gitignore file as well).
Afterwards you will easily manage it with the Terminal commands.
- Second - you need to connect your project with GitHub. In PHPStrom go to: VCS >> Import into Version Control >> Share Project on GitHub:
BTW, in PHP Storm you can use the Version Control tab to better understand your logs;
Here is a 10 min. video explaining some stuff:
Here is with BitBucket integration (German):
...and video in Russian:
Here is a video about Git and .gitignore file and which WP files to ignore: