52 conseils, techniques et méthodes pour votre SEO !


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It is not a question. I just wanted to share with all of the members one very useful SEO list of tips and techniques which will dramatically help you with your Search Engine Optimization process - both on page and off page!

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1. Choose Search Engine Friendly URL's - URL rewriting is an important aspect of search engine optimization. It becomes easier for the search engines as well as for the user to determine the contents of a web document if it has a relevant URL. Suppose, a web document displays varieties of birthday cakes then instead of having URLs like bc.html, ?id=78 etc. you must have a URL like birthday-cake.html.

2. Prepare Your Site for the Audience - Always keep the user in mind while designing and developing a site. If you are able to gather the love of the user then the search engines are bound to give importance to your site.

3. Have Descriptive Title and Meta Tags - Each and every web document must have unique title and meta tags containing the keywords which you want to rank for. Keep in mind, do not overuse the use of keywords.

4. Do Proper Keyword Research - Keyword research is an important element of a successful search engine optimization strategy. The success of a SEO plan depends on the kind of keywords you choose to promote your business. Make use of keyword determining tools like Google Keyword tool to finalize industry related keywords.

5. Add Fresh Content to Your Site Regularly - Since, the Panda update has been put into place, fresh content on the site has a tendency to boost up the search engine rankings. Hence, it is required to add quality, fresh and original content to make Google understand the importance of your site and to improve its crawl rate. This is one of the newest SEO tips but should not be overlooked.

6. Use Proper H1 Tags - The main content on your web document should be highlighted with the help of H1,H2 and H3 tags. These tags hold a special value with the search engines and content present inside these tags are valued highly.

7. Have Your Main Keyword in the Domain - If you are planning to launch a site with the motive of selling Pancakes then having the keyword Pancakes within your domain should help your site rank better. But make sure it should add a brand value to it and should not comprise only of keywords.

8. Use Internal Linking - Always link to inner pages within your content as this helps to properly pass on the link juice.

9. Use Anchor Text Diversity - While building backlinks to your site, follow a diverse anchor text pattern and use brand name as your anchor text.

10. Dominate as a Brand - Promote your site as a complete brand in SEO. Build backlinks using brand names as your keyword, create social profiles on popular social channels under your brand name.

11. Use Breadcrumbs - One of the best navigation structure which you can implement on your site is the use of breadcrumbs. There are plenty of WP plugins for this purpose - if you are using WordPress.

12. Prepare Sitemaps - Have both the versions of sitemaps on your site. Sitemap.html is created specifically for the users and sitemap.xml is created specifically for the search engines.

13. Add Social Sharing Widgets - Implement social sharing widgets for easy sharing of web content. This helps to share your content on popular social channels helping to popularize your content and get referral traffic as well.

14. Do Not Adopt Unnatural Link Building Practices - The days of building backlinks through the use of reciprocal linkbuilding, content spinning are gone. It is better not to adopt to unnatural link building practices and keep your site safe.

15. Analyze Your Competitors - Competitor analysis is another important step to make your site stand apart from your competitors. Make use of tools such as Alexa, Semrush, Opensiteexplorer to properly analyze the popularity and power of your competitors site.

16. Use Proper SEO Tools - SEO tools are SEO's best friend. He/she must possess a wide variety of specific functionality SEO tools to ease the work they are doing. A set of free SEO tools can be extremely useful.

17. Have High Quality Original Content - Content has been rightly said as the King of Web. Every user is looking for content while searching in the search engines so having quality and original content which answers the users query well is the kind of content which you must have in your web document.

18. Track Your Bounce Rate and Clickthrough Rate - Take the help of Google Webmasters Tools and Google Analytics Tools to correctly track and analyze the bounce rate and click through rate.

19. Analyze TF-IDF Score - TF-IDF score should be analyzed before SEO copywriting in order to defeat your competitors under the relevancy metric.

20. Create Your Brand's Presence On the Web - Create your company profile on Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Pinterest, Ning, etc.

21. Use Local Sites for Increasing Local Relevancy - Local business listings have a lot of power to pass on local relevancy value. Use local web directories.

22. Prefer Local Keywords - While doing your keyword research focus on getting rankings on keywords locally relevant to your business.

23. Keep Outbound Links to Minimum - Keep outbound links from your site to a minimum and link only to quality and relevant sites. If you are adding text advertisements then add no follow attribute to all outbound links.

24. Take the Help of Press Release Sites to Promote Your Site - Press Releases are a great way to promote your website and get the publicity you are looking for.

25. Have a Blog - Create a blog for your site and add quality and fresh content on it regularly. Blogging for SEO can provide a lot of advantages.

26. Make Every Effort to Gain a Backlink from Authoritative Websites - Authority sites like government sites, educational sites and popular niche sites that already have a high trust rank and pass on a high trust and domain authority.

27. Make Use of Google Authorship Profile - Add Google Authorship on content created by you and work towards increasing your author rank. Content written by authority authors within a niche have potential for ranking high on the search engines.

28. Promote Your Site Using Content Curation - Content curation sites like scoop.it, bundlr etc. have taken the place of article syndication sites. The new SEO strategy must have a place of content curation.

29. Have a Google Plus Page and a Local Places Listing - Genuine businesses have a Google Places Listing so create a Google places listing for your business and work towards getting positive review from customers.

30. Make Use of Networking Skills to Build Partnerships with Niche Sites - Build partnership with sites in your niche, sponsor some events, offer something for free and get publicity in return.

31. Do not Indulge in Spammy Link Buying and Selling Activities - Never indulge in link buying and selling activities as these can apply a heavy penalty on your site resulting in complete loss of search rankings.

32. Remove Unnatural Backlinks Using Disavow Links Tools - If you have received an unnatural link building notification then use the Disavow links tool to remove all the unnatural links pointing to your site.

33. Have a User Friendly Navigation with Text Links - Navigation plays an important part in having a user friendly as well as search engine friendly site. Maintain a clear navigation using text links to link to the important pages.

34. Keep Your Site Up and Running - Your site must be running 24 hours. If there is any technical fault then try to remove it as soon as possible.

35. Increase the Number of Plus Ones for Your Site's Content - Google Plus ones is one of the factors to judge the importance of content so try to have lots of plus ones for your content.

36. Allow For Interaction with Your Audience Using Comments - This SEO tip is specially for eCommerce websites. Allow for user interaction in the form of comments and help your audience choose the best.

37. Learn to Implement Image Optimization Techniques - Image optimization helps in reducing the loading time of your so this SEO tip should not be ignored.

38. Make Your Site Mobile Friendly - Desktop search is decreasing and mobile search is increasing. Have a mobile version of your site to keep your mobile audience happy. Read more about Mobile SEO.

39. Use Rel Canonical Tag to Solve Duplicate Content Issue - Make use of the rel canonical tag to solve duplicate content issue.

40. Use 301 Redirects to Utilize the Full Value of Google Juice - Have a single URL for your main site. Use 301 redirects in order to preserve the full Google juice for your main URL.

41. Decrease the Loading Time of Your Website - Google values the loading time of a site and promotes those which have a lesser loading time.

42. Minimize the Amount of Boilerplate Content to Keep Panda Safe - Boilperplate content is the content which is present on each and every page.

43. Become a Recognized Authority Within Your Niche - Ask questions to yourself- Is your site popular enough to receive positive reviews? Are your consumers not afraid of making online purchases? Is the content presented on your site trusted?

44. Track the Amount of Attention Your Site's Content is Getting from Social Media Sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest etc. and Plan Your Strategy accordingly

45. Avoid Creating Multiple Pages on the Same Topic - Penguin penalizes websites having multiple pages focused on the same topic but with slight variations. Take the help of robots.txt in blocking pages having too much of similar content.

46. Earn Not Only Backlinks But Citations As Well - Now the time has come to earn not only relevant backlinks but also relevant citations. Citations has been considered as a factor under the Google's ranking algorithm.

47. Effectively Use Link Baiting Techniques - Link baiting requires proper planning and implementation and it is one of the toughest task for a search engine optimization strategist.

48. Work Towards Increasing Your Domain Authority - Having a higher domain authority can make your site stand apart from your competitors.

49. Follow Search Engine Guidelines While Promoting Your Website - Make sure to follow search engine guidelines while implementing changes and promoting your site.

50. Use Robots.txt to Block Unimportant Pages - Use robots.txt to block secret pages.

51. Remove Broken Links, 404 Pages and Duplicate Content Pages - Find out broken links, duplicate content pages and 404 pages.

52. Avoid the Use of JavaScripts and Frames - Avoid using too many fancy elements and JavaScript as these are hard to read and process.

Thanks for sharing. I'm already using some of the tips but still going to check others. Great list!


SEO is must for any website if you really need good traffic and revenues. It is the way of telling your customers about your business more effectively. you have shared really good tips. A good website promotion increases users trust and that also increase your website worth.

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