21/10/2024 1:31 pm
Aiheen aloittaja
Can you please explain the classes and objects in PHP?
I know they are the core of understanding the OOP in Php (Object-oriented programming)
P.S. If you can also give examples of their usage with code... thanks
1 Answer
21/10/2024 1:32 pm
In PHP classes provide the structure for objects and act as template for objects of the same type. Functions used in Class are called methods, the variables are called properties;
- Use keyword new to create objects and invoke constructors
- A class can have many instances (objects)
- Use PascalCase for Class naming
- Class is made up of state and behavior
- Getters and Setters provide access to the fields
- Functions describe behaviour
- Fields store values
- Fields (private variables), e.g. day, month, year
- Data, e.g. getDay, setMonth, getYear
- Actions (behavior), e.g. plusDays(count), subtract(date)
One class may have many instances (objects)
- Sample class: DateTime
- Sample objects: peterBirthday, mariaBirthday
- Objects are Instances of Classes
- Creating the object of a defined class is called instantiation
- The instance is the object itself, which is created runtime
All instances have common behaviour:
$date1 = new DateTime(); $date2 = new DateTime(); $date3 = new DateTime(); |
On the picture below you can see more about the Class, Objects:
Here is one example taken from this video:
<?php class Game { var $price; var $name; var $photo; var $dir = "games/"; public function print_game() { echo $this->name . PHP_EOL; echo $this->price . PHP_EOL; echo $this->dir . $this->photo . PHP_EOL; } public function set_game($name, $price, $photo) { $this->name = $name; $this->price = $price; $this->photo = $photo; } } $game = new Game(); $game->name = "Metro"; $game->price = 49; $game->photo = "metro.jpg"; $game->print_game();//1st game: Metro (printing) $game->name = "Detroit Become Human"; $game->price = 59; $game->photo = "detroit.jpg"; $game->print_game();//2nd game: Detroit Become Human (printing) $game->set_game("Little Big Planet 3", 49, "lbp3.jpg"); $game->print_game();//3rd game: Little Big Planet 3 (printing)
and the output: