20/10/2024 1:42 pm
Inicio del tema
You are given the following JavaScript code:
function createList() { let data = []; return { add: function (item) { data.push(item) }, shiftLeft: function () { if (data.length > 1) { let first = data.shift(); data.push(first); } }, shiftRight: function () { if (data.length > 1) { let last = data.pop(); data.unshift(last); } }, swap: function (index1, index2) { if (!Number.isInteger(index1) || index1 < 0 || index1 >= data.length || !Number.isInteger(index2) || index2 < 0 || index2 >= data.length || index1 === index2) { return false; } let temp = data[index1]; data[index1] = data[index2]; data[index2] = temp; return true; }, toString: function () { return data.join(", "); } }; }
The above code creates a list data structure that holds items (of any type). It supports the following operations:
- add(item) – appends given item to the end of the list.
- shiftLeft() – shifts all elements one position left and the first elements comes last (with rotation).
- shiftRight() – shifts all elements one position right and the last elements comes first (with rotation).
- swap(index1, index2) – swaps the items at the specified indexes and returns true. If any of the two indexes does not exist or they are equal the collection stays unchanged and the method returns false.
- toString() – returns the string representations of the list items, separated by “, “.
This is an example how this code is intended to be used:
Sample code usage:
let list = createList(); list.add(1); list.add("two"); list.add(3); console.log(`list = [${list}]`); list.shiftLeft(); console.log("shifted left <--"); console.log(`list = [${list}]`); list.add(["four"]); console.log(`list = [${list}]`); list.shiftRight(); console.log("shifted right -->"); console.log(`list = [${list}]`); console.log(`Swaping [0] and [3]: ${list.swap(0,3)}`); console.log(`list = [${list}]`); console.log(`Swaping [1] and [1]: ${list.swap(1,1)}`); console.log(`list = [${list}]`);
Corresponding output:
list = [1, two, 3] shifted left <-- list = [two, 3, 1] list = [two, 3, 1, four] shifted right --> list = [four, two, 3, 1] Swaping [0] and [3]: true list = [1, two, 3, four] Swaping [1] and [1]: false list = [1, two, 3, four]
Your Task
Using Mocha and Chai write JS unit tests to test the entire functionality of the list object. Your code will only be provided the createList function, how you test the list is entirely up to you - whether you create a new list before each test or share the same list between tests.
You should have at least 6 test cases, make sure you cover all edge cases. You may use the following code as a template:
describe("TODO …", function() { it("TODO …", function() { // TODO: … }); // TODO: … });
1 respuesta
20/10/2024 1:50 pm
Here are the tests (PART 1):
describe("list", function () { let list; beforeEach(function () { list = createList(); }); describe("add", function () { it('with a multiple elements of different types, should work correctly', function () { list.add('Pesho'); list.add(5); let obj = {name: "gosho"}; list.add(obj); expect(list.toString()).to.equal('Pesho, 5, [object Object]'); }); }); describe("shiftLeft", function () { it('with a multiple elements, should shift them to the left', function () { list.add('one'); list.add(2); list.add('three'); list.shiftLeft(); expect(list.toString()).to.equal("2, three, one"); }); }); describe("shiftRight", function () { it('with a multiple elements, should shift them to the right', function () { list.add('one'); list.add(2); list.add('three'); list.shiftRight(); expect(list.toString()).to.equal("three, one, 2"); }); }); describe("swap", function () { it('with a negative first index, should return false', function () { list.add('one'); list.add(2); expect(list.swap(-5, 1)).to.equal(false); }); it('with a negative first index, should not change the collection', function () { list.add('one'); list.add('two'); list.swap(-5, 1); expect(list.toString()).to.equal("one, two"); }); it('with a non integer first index, should return false', function () { list.add('one'); list.add('two'); expect(list.swap('stamat', 1)).to.equal(false); }); it('with a non integer first index, should not change the collection', function () { list.add('one'); list.add('two'); list.swap([4, 13], 1); expect(list.toString()).to.equal("one, two"); }); it('with first index equal to number of elements, should return false', function () { list.add('one'); list.add('two'); list.add('three'); expect(list.swap(3, 1)).to.equal(false); });
PART 2 (the code is too big):
it('with first index equal to number of elements, should not change the collection', function () { list.add('one'); list.add('two'); list.add('three'); list.swap(3, 1); expect(list.toString()).to.equal("one, two, three"); }); it('with a negative second index, should return false', function () { list.add('one'); list.add(2); expect(list.swap(0, -1)).to.equal(false); }); it('with a negative second index, should not change the collection', function () { list.add('one'); list.add('two'); list.swap(0, -1); expect(list.toString()).to.equal("one, two"); }); it('with a non integer second index, should return false', function () { list.add('one'); list.add('two'); expect(list.swap(0, 'stamat')).to.equal(false); }); it('with a non integer second index, should not change the collection', function () { list.add('one'); list.add('two'); list.swap(0, [4, 13]); expect(list.toString()).to.equal("one, two"); }); it('with second index equal to number of elements, should return false', function () { list.add('one'); list.add('two'); list.add('three'); expect(list.swap(0, 3)).to.equal(false); }); it('with second index equal to number of elements, should not change the collection', function () { list.add('one'); list.add('two'); list.add('three'); list.swap(0, 3); expect(list.toString()).to.equal("one, two, three"); }); it('with equal indexes, should return false', function () { list.add('one'); list.add('two'); list.add('three'); expect(list.swap(1, 1)).to.equal(false); }); it('with equal indexes, collection should stay the same', function () { list.add('one'); list.add('two'); list.add('three'); list.swap(1, 1); expect(list.toString()).to.equal("one, two, three"); }); it('with zero first index, should return true', function () { list.add('one'); list.add('two'); list.add('three'); expect(list.swap(0, 1)).to.equal(true) }); it('with zero second indexes, should return true', function () { list.add('one'); list.add('two'); list.add('three'); expect(list.swap(2, 0)).to.equal(true); }); it('with zero first index, should swap the values', function () { list.add('one'); list.add('two'); list.add('three'); list.swap(0, 2); expect(list.toString()).to.equal("three, two, one"); }); it('with zero second index, should swap the values', function () { list.add('one'); list.add('two'); list.add('three'); list.swap(1, 0); expect(list.toString()).to.equal("three, two, one"); }); }); });
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