We are given a bit sequence in the form of 64-bit integer. We pass through the bits from left to right and we flip all sequences of 3 equal bits (111 -> 000, 000 -> 111). For example, 8773276988229695713 represents the bit sequence 0111100111000000111100001111000000011111100010100011100011100001. We flip from left to right all 3 consecutive equal bits: 0111100111000000111100001111000000011111100010100011100011100001 -> 0000100000111111000111100001111111000000011110111100011100011101.
The obtained 64-bit number after flipping is 594226797558351645.
Your task is to write a program that enters a 64-bit integer, performs the above described flipping, and prints the obtained result as a 64-bit integer.
The input data should be read from the console. It consists of a single 64-bit integer number.
The input data will always be valid and in the format described. There is no need to check it explicitly.
Print at the console the 64-bit integer, representing the obtained bits after the flipping.
- The input number will be a 64-bit integer in the range [0 … 18 446 744 073 709 551 615].
- Allowed working time for your program: 0.1 seconds.
- Allowed memory: 16 MB.
Here's my solution:
using System; class BitFlipper { static void Main() { ulong num = ulong.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); string numAsString = Convert.ToString((long)num, 2).PadLeft(64, '0');//WE MAKE THE NUMBER STRING -> SO WE CAN READ IT FROM LEFT TO RIGHT char[] array = numAsString.ToCharArray();//CONVERT THE STRING TO CHAR ARRAY TO CHANGE THE ELEMENTS AFTERWARDS -> WE CANNOT CHANGE STRINGS ELEMENTS for (int i = 2; i < array.Length; i++) { if (array[i] == array[i - 1] && array[i - 1] == array[i - 2]) { if (array[i] == '0') { array[i] = '1'; array[i - 1] = '1'; array[i - 2] = '1'; } else { array[i] = '0'; array[i - 1] = '0'; array[i - 2] = '0'; } i += 2; } } //Console.WriteLine(array);//TO CHECK AS A BIT IN THE CHAR ARRAY Console.WriteLine(Convert.ToUInt64(new string(array), 2)); } }